What is AVID?
- Would you like to learn more about AVID? Please check out this AVID Informational Meeting Presentation
AVID Elementary is a foundational component designed to be embedded into the daily instruction of all elementary classrooms. AVID Elementary spans K–8 in three stages: Beginnings, Foundations, and Bridges. Each stage is designed to meet the needs of students within a specific range of development. AVID’s strategies and philosophy of educational opportunities for all students are threaded and embedded throughout the instructional day, across grade levels, and ultimately across sites.
AVID Secondary helps schools develop a culture of college readiness for all students across the campus. In the AVID Elective class, students receive daily instruction and support to prepare them for college from a trained AVID Elective teacher. AVID impacts students school wide as academic strategies like writing to learn, inquiry, collaboration, organizational skills, and critical reading (WICOR) are taught in all classes by teachers who have been trained to use AVID strategies in their specific content area.
AVID for Higher Education works with postsecondary institutions to support students with the goal of increasing academic success, persistence, and completion rates in the Student Success Initiative. Colleges of education use the AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative to provide teacher candidates with AVID frameworks, methodologies, and strategies so that they enter the teaching field able to meet a broad spectrum of students’ needs.
AVID at Congress
Organizational Skills:
Students will be expected to keep a three ring binder with all the notes and materials from their other classes. They will be taught how to organize the binder and it will be checked often. Within the binder they will also be taking Cornell Style notes, which will organize their review material and their learning.
Critical Thinking Skills:
Students will be engaged in activities designed to develop the learning process. These activities include goal setting, writing assignments, Philosophical Chairs, group problem solving and in class projects.
Congress teachers will use a number of the WICOR elements in lessons throughout the year. These AVID instructional strategies include, but are not limited to: group projects, class discussions, note taking, graphic organizers, reading activities. Students will use their binders and planners to maintain organization throughout the year. In order to practice discussion skills, students may participate in Philosophical Chairs. This is an opportunity for students to debate a particular topic, improve their verbal fluency, and in the process practice the use of their academic language.
A tool to support your thinking and demonstrate understanding
Uncovering understanding by asking and discussing critical questions.
Teamwork with shared responsibility. Sharing of ideas, information, and opinions.
Managing materials, planning, and prioritizing.
Gaining meaning, understanding, and knowledge from print and other media.